Flexible Staking

Buy $FINC before staking.

Deposit $FINC to Flexible Staking

Users can secure an allocation by staking $FINC tokens in the flexible staking pool, which has an 1x allocation boost multiplier.

  • Dynamic APRs: Flex Staking provides a dynamic APR (Annual Percentage Rate) to stakers, adjusting according to the total staked amount in the pool.

  • Auto-compounding: Flex Staking has an auto-compounding feature. Auto-compounding mechanism results in a higher Effective Annual Rate than APR. The daily rewards are reharvested every day to produce a compounding effect.

  • Time-based allocation boost: Similarly, since the auto-compounding mechanism also affects the time factor in flexible staking, the longer $FINC tokens are held in flexible staking, the higher the allocation boost multipliers become. If you stake your $FINC without any withdrawal for one year, your effective allocation will be 1.71x instead of 1x.

Participants in flexible staking pools have the flexibility to unstake and withdraw their funds at their discretion.

How do I stake $FINC to the Flexible Staking Pool?

To stake $FINC, you first need to visit our website and connect your Web3 wallet by clicking on the 'Connect Wallet' button at the top right of the screen.

After connecting your wallet, move your cursor to the 'Staking' tab at the top of the screen. You should then choose the Flexible staking option.

When you select the flexible staking pool, you will encounter a screen like the one below:

Enter the staking amount and click on the "Stake" button.

Here, you need to first click the ‘Sonraki’ (Next) button to proceed, and then, on the following page, you must click the ‘Onayla’ (Confirm) button to approve the transaction. Afterward, a Metamask extension will open again, and from there, you need to click ‘Onayla’ (Confirm) again to complete the staking process. If you have followed these steps correctly, your staking process is complete.

Withdraw $FINC from Flexible Staking

Now, if you want to withdraw the $FINC you put into the flexible staking pool, you can follow the instructions here.

Please note that a 2% withdrawal fee applies for withdrawals from flexible staking pools.

Enter the withdrawal amount and click the "Withdraw" button.

When you click the 'Withdraw' button, you can complete the withdrawal of $FINC by clicking the ‘Onayla’ (Confirm) button in the opened Metamask extension.

Finally, the withdrawn tokens will appear in your Web3 wallet.

Last updated